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Residential / Private Residence

Dragons Range

Project: Dragons Range / Private Residence

Size:  983 sq ft

Location: Dragons Range, Hong Kong

Completion Date:  Feb 2024

“Fresh and warm” is the owner’s imagination of the home in this case, and he likes light colors. Therefore, the design team took the concept of transparent and clear space as the core of the design to build a comfortable living environment.

The living room space uses a large area of ​​white and light wood as the base, with warm beige accents. It extends from the system cabinet in the entrance to the TV, which not only provides sufficient storage, but also extends the sense of space.


The glass partition in the study room is edged with arcs, making the living room and corridor wider and creating a comfortable feeling.


The island bar in the kitchen is made of colorful terrazzo and matched with wooden kitchen cabinets to create a warm and lively atmosphere.

It has also become the highlight of the living and dining room.


The main colors of the master suite are ivory, apricot, and wood. The bedside uses light wood bed boards and fabric cushions to create two different levels. In view of the space constraints, semi-hollow wood combination cabinets are used to clearly divide the sleeping area and dressing room, and are equipped with a small dressing table to make the space more complete. A secret door next to it separates the bathroom, which is decorated with light wood and beige bricks. The color tone is consistent with the bedroom but blends with a modern feel.


The daughter’s room uses bright and soft pink as the main tone of the overall space, with curved cabinet details to create a small world exclusive for the child.